color my world

Nobody comes back from a journey the way they started it.  Unknown

Earlier today, I read that quote.  It has since swirled around in my brain, finally taking root.   Huge, involved, expensive trips…to far away lands,  have of course, changed who I am.

I came back home from Karlovy Vary a more grateful person.  Once home from a trip to Poland, my attitude shifted to that of yet more grace and gratitude.  After Verdun, I knew what humble and enlightened really meant.  I can still remember what the souls of my shoes sounded like walking across the new wooden bridge in Switzerland.  The taste of that fondue on a rainy night was memorable, expensive and somehow, I came home different.

DSCN5060Come to find out,  I don’t have to journey  far to feel a change.  I live a little more than an hour south of Seattle, Washington.  Right smack dab in the middle of city life is a stunning garden oasis.  Peace and quiet that will astound you.  Color that will tickle your fancy and make your soul dance.  DSCN5090 I am fortunate enough to hail from the same area as glass artist, Dale Chihuly.  While we may get “used” to seeing his pieces of art in train stations, universities,  or waiting areas,  I never get tired of catching a glimpse of saturated color through glass.  I never tire of the way I feel after drinking in all that glorious color and movement.  I am almost exhausted after taking in such beauty all at once. DSCN5100

DSCN5114Last week, a friend, Mr. Right and I went to our own “garden party”.   The garden of color and shapes dazzled our senses and filled our souls with enough. DSCN5124 More than enough to help us on our own personal journey’s.   Traveling to, taking in something glorious and breathtaking somehow, solidifies relationships like nothing else can.  Experiencing something new together, most certainly is  life changing. DSCN5118 DSCN5121

Nobody comes back from a journey the way they started it.  Unknown

PS.  Thank you Mr. Right for the glorious photographs.

Thanks M for the picture of Mr. Right and I .  I love that you said, instead of “cheese”, act like you like each other. ha