
There is a snap in the air.  I am wearing a sweet gray sweater today over top of a jaunty orange t-shirt.  Hey folks, that can only mean one thing……..Sloppy Joe season is here!  You know what I mean.  You spend the day cleaning up fall leaves and dead branches.  You bend over a thousand times to pick up dropped pine cones and fall debris.  You fill wire baskets full of red and yellow apples.  There is a jar of candy corn sitting on a shelf.  (pretty much just for color, not my favorite to eat)  When the day starts you stretch and bend and bike four miles.  You stretch some more.  You pick out some great music to fill your sewing room with waves of goodness and soothing sounds.  The hum of your sewing machine makes you feel right where you belong.

I know it is not popular or hip or fancy nor do I fit in.  Just planning a fall day to sew and have a cup of hot coffee and wiggle my toes and rub my arms while feeling that cozy sweater……….and thinking……..yeah, dinner is already figured out.  Big toasted buns to hold Sloppy Joes.  The meatless version of meaty goodness, drip down onto the plate and boy are they sloppy.  The tang of the tomato and the touch of sweetness…………….some homemade baked toasty brown garlic fries to snuggle up close to the main attraction on the plate.

Yesterday, while trying to ignore a medical appointment and the news to come,  I had my reoccurring daydream again about “needing” vs “wanting” vs “I should buy” a Vitamix.  Sure we have a million and one things to do this month.  If you want to see something fancy and brand new just head out to our garage and have a look at a brand new car battery and spankin’ new tires!   We have envelopes for everything.  In less than three weeks we have a wedding for goodness sake.  I even have a coupon burning a hole in my purse to use for a new pair of jeans.  I want to buy some chilies for a new recipe I am trying.  I want to buy a few more pumpkins for a display outside.  I want, I want, I want…………………gee that sound is getting old.

I have inspiring sayings painted on our walls here and there around our home.  I have them on pieces of wood.  I have them painted directly on the walls.  I have sewn them onto fabric, written on our chalk board.  I have stitched them with embroidery thread.  Heck, I even went so far as to write Bible verses on the mirror in lipstick to grab my teenagers attention!  This one I found, I think I want to cross stitch the saying AND paint it on the walls AND use bright orange chalk to write it on the chalk board………   maybe a really great sign on the door leading out into the world?  Maybe a sweet painted sign on the back door leading into the house?   I need to write it down 100 times.  I need to memorize it.  I need to make it a part of who I am.  This is the sticky note that will be stuck to my sewing machine all day long.  We have more than enough, time to gently, or a swift kick in the fanny remember it.  Time to adjust my thinking.

gratitude turns what we have into enough

8 thoughts on “enough

  1. jan

    Wonderful blog message today. I may have to “barrow” from you yet again, and write that on MY chalk board.

  2. KatherinesDaughter

    A friend of mine gave me a framed embroidery a couple of years ago that says “Good enough is really good enough”. Your post has reminded me to slow down and enjoy a cup of coffee, the beautiful weather, and whatever else I’m feeling like. It is so beautiful in my neck of the woods lately; I can’t get enough of the fall foliage. Thanks for reminding me, my dear, to slow down just a bit AND be grateful for what I have….xo Joanne

  3. pattilynne50

    Thought of you in your gray sweater as I put on a sweatshirt for the first time this season.
    You are right, we have enough…more than enough. I sometimes think about all the things I’d “like to have” and then stop and look around.– we have plenty and are blessed and we know it. Feels good to shut out all the marketing we are bombarded with day by day and just sit back and recognize the Fingerprints of God!
    Sure hope you’ll be enjoying some sun this weekend dear friend 🙂

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