mod podge, remember me?

Gosh, I just noticed the last date on a blog posting from me, May 19th.  Good Golly, I really want to say I was away on a glorious vacation…….alas, I think life just got in the mix.

Yard work has called my name.  Painting and biking and sewing have called my name.

Then the grand daddy of them all………Mod Podge.  Remember from the 70’s.  The very moment you open that lid, the first scent of Mod Podge, your brain is flooded with all sorts of fun items you made in jr. high school.  News flash:  they still sell the stuff and it is still fun to say.   All the craft and hobby stores carry it .  For under $6.00 and buy a 35 cent foam brush while you are there, you are on your way to a zillion possibilities.

20150528_203845I made some plant markers.  I wrote on some sticks and mod podged (is that a verb?) to my heart’s content.

The main project I was magically drawn to make were Adventure books.  If you go to    you will find the picture to down load.  She has inspiration galore, it sort of falls off the screen right into your lap.

I purchased a couple of those school scribblers.  At 88 cents each, you really can’t make a huge mistake for that price. 20150528_170421

Several crafts ago, I had requested maps from all the different states.  They send them out for FREE.  Which makes me 20150601_084052smile. A snip here, a snip there and I was ready to Mod Podge. the Adventure books.

I also had some scrap, card making paper.  I used that for the backs.  20150529_094937

I wrote a quote inside each book.

“We travel not 

to escape life, 

but for life 

not to escape us.”

I added a fancy deep purple ribbon just for fun.  I just folded over a couple pages.  It can be used as a book mark.

I am mailing them off to some folks who are stepping out of the box this summer and spreading their wings.

Making a hiking, picnic, camping book next.

When we travel, I collect museum passes, or a parking pass, a great new recipe and of course a snap shot here or there.  (say, have you printed any pictures from your phone lately?  Might be time to print some of those. jus sayin’)

These books are not fancy.  They are not intimidating.  Just one of those things you pick up in the middle of winter, thumb through, relive a great summer memory and smile all over again.

Hello June 1.  I can smell summer from here.  Get out there!  Explore, seek, discover.

Paste it in a notebook and then relive it over and over and over again.

Good for the soul in so many ways.

Love to have show n tell.  What are you making with Mod Podge?

Better yet. tell me about your summer adventure plans.