more photos fewer words

20170415_152818_resizedI recently read where people want more pictures less writing on20170415_152703_resized blogs.

Really?  I wonder why that is?  Makes me a tad bit melancholy.  I want to write and share.  I love reading and catching a glimpse of other writers lives through their blogs.  It is a pleasure for me.

more photos fewer words20170415_152723-1_resized

Today, the words swirling in my brain are serious like Aluminum , Thiomersal and Magnesium.  I want to talk about those.  I want to study more and have an in-depth discussions.  I want to write about and learn more about and share.

For this time, I will share pictures.  Pictures from a brief walk between rain drops this past weekend.




soup for the soul

My day started before daylight broke.

A bit unsettled this morning.

For me the goodbyes are hard to do.

Oh sure, I know I am loved.  He tells me and shows me and surrounds me in this cocoon of goodness.  He pushes my swing.

I have a lovely dog.  She adores me and shows me.

I have brilliant adult children who share amazing grands daily.

I have a handful of lovely angels that flit into my life here and there.  They leave little nuggets of ideas that make me crave more.

Books; I feel so safe and secure with all the books in my life.

Sometimes, you just want that extra salve for your soul.  You know?  With 20% of our adult population taking mood altering drugs on a daily basis…………I think some folks forget it is amazingly okay with being a bit blue.  It doesn’t have to be sad.

I have plans for the day.  I am creating with fabric and color.  I set everything up last night in anticipation.

Maybe it’s melancholy?  In no way is it awful.  Just a gentle nudge to be kind and generous to myself today.

Instead of a traditional breakfast, I bathed myself in the grace of savory goodness.

Ah, homemade broth.

20150408_091731Be still my heart.

Matzoh Ball Soup for Breakfast. Yes, I said breakfast.

I used two very, very fresh eggs to make the matzoh balls.  20150407_154039How fortunate I am to have the best of eggs to make this meal to feed my soul?

I slid the matzo balls into the simmering savory broth laced with fresh parsley and the thinnest slices of carrots.  The broth20150408_093559 somehow has hidden layers of flavor.  With each spoonful my taste buds discover a hint of celery, sage or shallot. After time in the broth, the tender matzo balls almost melted in my mouth.  Each bite, encouraging another. This soup reminds you to savor each spoonful slowly and with passion.

An ordinary breakfast, took a turn.  The warmth of the meal, soothed my soul and elevated the day to a lovely place.

I surprise myself when I remember just how worthy I am of a nourishing meal.

“Don’t wait for extra ordinary opportunities.  Seize common ones, and make them great.”

May the day ahead sooth your soul and help you see the goodness right before your very eyes.