Oh yes, I adore putting in that very final, last stitch on a project.  However, the thrill of a new pattern almost makes me giddy.  I adore lining up all the new threads.  Choosing the perfect linen.  This time, I have chosen 32 count, Belfast Linen, color Platinum.  I have decided on my latest counted cross stitch sampler.

I adore samplers.  I am not sure if it is the order of things or the simple and straightforward design.  I love the “hunt” of finding my next project.  I just took a moment and counted 14 samplers in my home right now.  20141107_084507

In some samplers, I have stitched the date I finished.  The last one I completed, I stitched the year I started.  I have been known to stitch one of my family’s birth date’s as the sampler date.  I was daydreaming about who might want one of these some day.  I was thinking if someone saw his or her birth date or year they would “know” it was meant for them.

20141125_105403You can see in the counted cross stitch project (with the red heart) the date June 14.  That is the birthday of one of our boys.

For some silly reason, when I saw the pattern of the next piece, I already decided that instead of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0  I was going to stitch 1,2,8,4,5,6…….It sort of tickled me to have a “secret” 84 in the line up.  One of our daughter in law’s was born in 1984.  She adores trees.  She is a kind girl.  I love the title, “Be Kind & Be True”.  This might be the one, that has “her name written all over it”. 2011-08-05 Be Kind & Be True framed

I love to have a project ready, edges finished.  I love to have a couple of needles threaded.  My basket is sitting right near my stitching lamp.  I like to pick up the linen some nights and stitch for 10 minutes.  Other nights 2 hours doesn’t seem long enough.

I find joy in the doing.  Yes, for some reason, I love the accomplished feeling I get from looking at projects that take 50, sometimes 80 hours.  Ten minutes here and there.  One hour on a Thursday afternoon.  One or two stitches then the phone rings.  Bit by bit, a master piece is created.

Stitching helps me.  Stitching is happy.  Stitching samplers helps me remember wellness and health are achieved bit by bit.  Day by day.

It’s all about the journey.

7 thoughts on “1984

  1. I have two samplers that I bought in two different antique stores- and I love them. One is in my mudroom- the other in my kitchen. I’ve never done one myself but I admire those who love to do cross stitch. I’m a “crewel” person myself.
    Your “stitching” is beautiful!

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