wash twice for extra sparkle

I can hear the waves coming in and out.  In and out.  WAIT.  That’s not the waves at the beach.  That’s the washing machine.  geesh.   You know vacation is over, when you pour your own coffee in the morning and you hear the rhythmic cadence of the washing machine.  By the way, there is NO front desk to call and request an extra towel to dry your hair.

DSCN4468We are home after spending a few days on the Oregon coast.  Doing the things folks do when they go on holiday.

We spent our days:

Walking on the beachDSCN4461



sight seeing


lounging in the hot tub

deciding where to have a picnic

DSCN4427taking pictures

indulging in treats

Local Ocean signfiguring out where to have dinner

exploring new places

finding a new bakerypanni bakery

bought postcards

breathing fresh air

buying  a couple of goodies in a mini gift shop on Nye Beach

talking in the car

playing Scrabble

DSCN4409celebrating a birthday

and laughing

When we come home from vacation there seems to be an amazing amount of laundry.  geesh.  Took over an hour to vacuum out our car.  We brought home a LOT of souvenir sand from the ocean.

As much as I adore, relish really, going on vacation, I am plum tuckered out.

While unpacking and sorting laundry I slipped my wedding ring off and put it into my pocket.  Forgot all about it.  After a few loads of laundry this morning, I heard a sound in the bottom of the washer.  Behold, a couple of very sparkly rings.

Not really a good idea, however in this case it turned out okay.  Wash your rings a couple of times in the washing machine.  They come out all sparkly clean.   Good Gravy.


The sea called my soul and I answered with all my heart. DSCN4472


8 thoughts on “wash twice for extra sparkle

  1. Carmen

    Oh my!! I am so happy that the Sock Monster was away on vacation. I am sure he would have grabbed up those sparkly rings in a moment. You know, to add some extra bling to those other socks he has confiscated. “No, not this time, Sock Monster, not this time!! Miss Daleen got to them before you had a chance.” LOL!!!

  2. Kathie

    Thanks for the cleaning idea. I will keep a sharp eye out for the dreaded sock monsters. Thanks Carmen for the reminder 🙂

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